Western Europe on 6 meters!

A few days ago I had the great fortune to work Japan on 6 meters. Today, I was fortunate again to be at the radio during a brief 6 meter opening to western Europe. I was able to complete QSOs with 5 stations – 3 in France, 1 in Guernsey, and 1 in England. The opening lasted less than an hour, and I decoded lots of other stations in western and central Europe that I was not able to work. I am very happy to get the 3 new DXCC countries and 5 new grids.

New 6m QSOs from western Europe for N1ADM on July 23rd
PSKReporter map of stations that decoded N1ADM’s FT8 signals during the 1500 UTC hour on July 23rd.
DXMaps 50 MHz map showing lots of hams in eastern North America and western/central Europe active during the brief 6 meter opening on July 23rd. If you look really close, you’ll see my callsign in there.