The Icom IC-705 is an amazing QRP transceiver with lots of advanced features. Those features include built-in Bluetooth and wireless LAN, creating opportunity for display and control the IC-705 remotely. Some excellent free software recently became available to take advantage of the Bluetooth capability for a remote display using an inexpensive IoT development board. Also, an incredible iPad app was recently released that allows full remote display and control of the IC-705 via WiFi or LAN.
Remote S Meter and MultiMeter Projects with M5Stack
There are two very easy projects using code available on GitHub and an inexpensive M5Stack Core Development Kit: one to create a remote S Meter and another to create a more advanced and very useful remote MultiMeter.

The M5Stack is an ESP32 development system for IoT applications. This extremely powerful yet low-cost chip includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and has quickly become popular over the past year or so. The M5Stack Core Development Kit is currently available on Amazon for about $50.
The first project I completed using the M5Stack was the IC705SMeter, created by Armel, F4HWN. Once the code is installed and the M5Stack is connected by Bluetooth to the IC-705, it has a selectable display of the received signal strength, output power, and SWR. It also displays the current frequency, mode and filter. It was very easy to install the software and connect to the IC-705 by following step by step instructions in a YouTube video by Ham Radio Dude.

There is also another more advanced remote meter project, also created by Armel, called the ICMultiMeter. This project allows you to display the equivalent of the meter screen of the IC-705 on the M5Stack screen, which allows you to dedicate the IC-705’s screen to the waterfall while seeing all the signal measurements simultaneously on the M5Stack screen. The installation process is very similar to the S Meter project. A YouTube video by Tech Minds has easy-to-follow instructions to build and install the remote MultiMeter.

SDR Control Software for iPad
Having a remote meter is wonderful, but what if you’d like to have a full remote display and control of the IC-705? An application recently released for iPad will do just that. SDR-Control for Icom, available on the App Store, allows remote operation of the IC-705 without additional hardware or software. The app costs $50, but has tons of features, to include an integrated logbook, CW keyer and FT8/FT4 tool. An important caveat is that the IC-705 and iPad must be connected to the same WiFi network. The app will also control IC-7610 and IC-9700 transceivers connected to the same network via LAN. A YouTube video by Tech Minds provides an excellent overview of the SDR-Control app.
Once installed on the iPad, the app includes an integrated instruction manual explaining all of the functions, to include connecting the app to the IC-705. There is also an online version of the instruction manual. Following the instructions in the manual, I was able to connect to the IC-705 in just a few minutes. I found the app to be very easy to understand and use. When using the integrated FT8/FT4 tool, I did have to consult the manual to adjust the signal levels. Once that was done, it worked very well. The FT8/FT4 tool does not have all of the functionality of WSJT-X (no DXpedition mode), but it works well for casual operating. So far I have only used the app with the IC-705. I don’t yet have my IC-7610 or IC-9700 connected to my home network, but I plan to do that soon so that I can control the transceivers from anywhere in the house.