My preferred method of confirming QSOs is through ARRL’s Logbook of the World. It’s a simple, fast, and easy to use system to confirm contacts and apply for awards. It also saves a ton on postage, since international postage rates are very high. Still, there is something special about receiving a QSL card in the mail after working a rare DX station. In addition to nice keepsakes that have interesting information about the operators and their locations, they are physical proof of the QSOs.
Over the past few months, I have received several new QSL cards. Some are from contacts that took place over a year ago. I have been concentrating on getting confirmations from DX stations in the Middle East, Africa and the Pacific. I really enjoy collecting the cards, and believe they add a personal touch to what are usually very brief DX contacts.

Another benefit from collecting QSL cards is that sometimes the envelopes have some cool stamps!