I prefer to QSL via LoTW. I enjoy collecting QSL cards, so I’m also very happy to exchange cards with you. I will always send a QSL card in return for those I receive. You may send a card to me via the bureau, but it will likely take a very long time for my a card to reach you. I upload my logs to LoTW at least daily. I also upload frequently to ClubLog, QRZ.com, eQSL.cc and HRDLOG.net, but those are not primary QSL methods for me. SWL reports are welcome. If you haven’t received a return QSL card from me within a reasonable amount of time, please send an email to let me know.
K1NSS Jeff at DASHTOONS designed the art for my QSL cards, and they were printed by Randy at KB3IFH QSL CARDS. If you’d like to create a unique and personal QSL card, you can’t beat the combination of Jeff K1NSS to create the art and Randy KB3IFH to print them! The DX Hound pictured on my QSL cards is my faithful Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog companion. His name is Luke.

If you need Georgia, Columbia County, or grid EM83, I would be very happy to arrange a sked with you on any HF band for digital modes, phone and CW. I am collecting grids for VUCC 50 MHz.
I am seeking skeds with AK and HI stations for LoTW confirmed QSOs to complete these WAS digital endorsements:
- 160m: HI
- 6m: AK, HI
I am active on 6M during the Spring and Summer Es season seeking new DX and grids.