The Amateur Radio Club of Columbia County held an abbreviated, one-day Class 2A operation on Saturday, June 27th. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend. To help out the club’s aggregate score, as allowed in ARRL’s temporary rule changes for Field Day 2020, I participated as a 1D station from home on Sunday.
My HF wire antenna was down after an unexpected and strong thunderstorm on Saturday evening took down the limb holding it. That left me with just my 6 meter antenna. Thankfully, there were some decent 6 meter openings to Texas, the upper Midwest, New England and southeastern Canada for most of the morning and afternoon. I was able to complete 56 FT8 contacts during about 4 hours of operating time, with a preliminary score of 274. That’s not an impressive score, but not too bad for working a limited period of time only on 6 meters. My score will be combined with the club’s 2A score, as well any scores submitted by other members who participated from home and included ARCCC in their submitted results.